Tuesday, October 12, 2010

new baby..

ALHAMDULILLAH..berkat usaha kami..at last, finally and lastly terbinanyer satu empayar yg digelarkan PALACE OF BRIDAL.. our project yg sedang kami jalankan tanpa rase jemu..hahaha..actually our entrepreneur project for this sem..angan2 yg tggi..bagaikan sedang menjalankan 1 bisnes ni..tp just for our final je..this monday will present..pray for me..my position in this company as Human Resourses Manager..interesting x?of course la kn..di samping wat keje as photographer..huhu cam betol2 plak.. but i've my own dreams with one of my frens..to open dis bisnes..one day..amin !! kene kumpul duit ni..bukak bisnes ni bukan sikit duit pkai..beratus ribu gak..haha..but really2 fantastic ! yeah... baru dapat rase betapa payahnye nak buka 1 company besar ni..but bile dapat untung beribu2 rase macam loaded gak..haha..leh jadi ade artis nk our services ke kn..mcm rizman ruzaini,rizalman,bernard chandran..wah !! so wish me luck for the presentation..thanx !


  1. impian utk bukak ini company... ohoho.. sama lol...

  2. oo kamu juga ada impian yg sama dgn saya?
