Saturday, July 31, 2010

papa ku prihatin

conversation between papa n hakim

kim : papa, kim nk gcb.. rm27

papa : yg burger delivery 2 ??

kim : yelah.. pa nk duit..

papa : ko ni kim x kesian ke ngn budak 2.. xnmpk hujan ni.. nk ngntar burger ko plak.. kang die demam xdpt nak keje

*hahahahahaha.. sbnrnye xnk kasi kim beli mcd.. wat mcm2 alasan..

kim : alarh kite bg die duit

papa : tuh duit company die

kim : xpe.. lpas hujan die hntr la

papa : bape?

kim : rm27

*haram dak hakim nk kecian kn budak delivery tuh!

papa : papa ade rm26 je.. nah ! ( sambil bagi rm20 ).. ni je papa tggl..sok k.long ngn k.ngah nak balik ni je papa nak bagi..

kak long : papa, senak la perot k.long nak makan rm3 je kt cmpus.. hahaha..

* hohoho just nak cakap bapaku seorang yg prihatin jika bab2 mcmni.. ;-)

Monday, July 19, 2010


I know..
I'm a bad gurl
selalu 'cukop2 makan' in study
but as a human
I have desire to be a successful person

I have a lot of dreams...
Dreams that I don't know will come true or not..

I realize...
Afford, parents' pray is very important
to become a successful human...

First of all...


after I finish my stdy..
I want to continue my degree in mgt maths..
after degree in management mathematics
i would like to further my study in master..
master in finance mathematics..
really2 want to study in overseas..
and this University my selection
learn their culture..
but i have to score 3.5 and above..
can I reach the pointer?
yes, i can do it!!
go SYAZ !!
syaz BOLEH !!


I need to finish my study..
in Diploma Quantitative Sciences..
teringin gak nak pakai topi graduate tuh..
but lg 1 sem je lg..even kwn2 da abes..
but Alhamdulillah I feel lucky to study in this course..

Is it nice?

nice ryte??
My dreams to wear wedding dress..
the dress full of politeness..
but when??
i really4 waiting for the great moment once in my life..


all the people waiting for this moment..
another 5 years??maybe.. AMIN~
I need my own life with the person that really2 loves me !!
but when? who??hahaha..
just wait n see..
i choose blue color
for the wedding's theme..


The main dreams is to bring Mama n Papa
make their umrah n haji..
yupz.. Mama teringin sangat2 nak g sini..
I'll make ur dreams come true ma..
kak long xde bnda nk wat mama n papa happy..
belajar pon cam biasa2 je..
tapi kak long nak bawak mama n papa g cni..
ni janji kak long pada mama ngn papa k..

* ya ALLAH.. semoga kau berkati usaha hambaMU ini agar aku dapat mencapai impian ku ini.. AMIN~

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Y.B & Datin Seri~

i want to introduce my frens yg gilerh!

my left hand side is of course la mak datin kita kn
hahaha.. norhayati osman
yeah die palg glamor nih!
kate datin!
(belanje askem mcd jerh!)

my right hand side is Raqeema Rumli..
wah I ingt nama bapak U laa...
hahaha.. die ni agak gila la gak..

dorg nih xabes belaja pon da kaya..
almaklumla sponsored by..
haha raqeema nih hah..
kaya sbb ade KEDAI...
kedai tudung..byk gak die pny cawangan...
dasyat kn??

pastuh yati..
peh br 1 cawangan
KEDAI spect
hah kat giant tuh..
kaya kn??
hah kawan2 ak mg pandai berniaga!!


ak xtaw la..mcmane kitorg leh jadi kawan rapat..
sdgkn tmpt duduk kt class biase2 jer..
yati la palg belakg..
ntahla..mgkin da 1 kepala..
pantg jumpa..ada je nk gelak

belajar pon agak2 giler..
mcm2 pergai..
lg2 cara yati belaja..
thts y terus dgree..
xcye tny raqeema..

korg taw..
ak paling suka kwn ngn korg
hargai korg as kawan..
sbb korg pon knl ak cmne kn..

tapi bile wat lawak mg besh r..
thts y sayang sgt kalo pape tjd kt relationship kita
wish till the end la kita kawan kn..


* friendship is like a water !!